Do you suffer from headaches, migraines, painful chewing, jaw pain, and more? These symptoms are associated with temporomandibular disorder (TMJ), and Chatsworth Dental Group is here to help!
Dr. Mishra and his team provide the top TMJ treatments near Chatsworth, CA and beyond, taking a personalized approach with each patient. Our custom-crafted oral appliances are designed to preserve smiles and keep uncomfortable symptoms at bay.
What Is TMJ?
TMD (temporomandibular disorders), often referred to as TMJ, is characterized by significant pain in the jaw and limitation in jaw joint movement. TMJ can impact basic functions like speech, swallowing, chewing and in some cases, even breathing.
The symptoms commonly associated with TMJ include recurrent facial pain and sensitivity, swelling, constant teeth grinding, and jaw joint locking causing limited range of motion in the jaw.
TMJ symptoms vary, but in many cases include:
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Pain and tenderness around the jaw, cheeks, ears, and neck
- Stiffness in the jaw
- Earaches
- Pain while yawning
- Painful chewing
- Locking of the jaw
- Uncontrolled change of facial expression
- Changes in teeth alignment and bite
You don't have to live with jaw pain and discomfort! If you're experiencing any of the symptoms above, Dr. Mishra will perform an advanced examination to determine the best treatment route for your needs.
Custom Mouth Guards for TMJ Relief
Dr. Mishra and the team at Chatsworth Dental Group provide customized TMJ treatments and oral appliances to help ease the discomfort associated with this condition. Our mouthguards for bruxism are designed to protect your jaw and preserve your healthy, even smile by preventing tension and grinding while you sleep!
Schedule Your TMJ Treatment Consultation With Dr. Mishra Today!
Don't wait to address the painful symptoms of TMJ. Give us a call today for the relief you deserve!