Sedation Dentistry in Chatsworth, CA

Need extra help to stay relaxed during your dentist appointment? At Chatsworth Dental Group, we offer comfort dentistry services specially designed for patients who may be sensitive to light and sound, experience dental anxiety, or have special healthcare needs that affect their ability to receive dental care.

woman asleep for her dental procedure thanks to sedationChatsworth Dental Group is proud to offer the top sedation dentistry services near Chatsworth, CA, and beyond, because every treatment is safe, customized, and specially tailored to meet each patient's needs. We work to provide comfort for every level of dental anxiety and a wide range of dental care needs, so every patient can receive the stress-free experience they deserve!

Sedation Dentistry Services

We provide the following forms of sedation dentistry:

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a trusted form of sedation known to keep anxious patients relaxed throughout their treatment. It is taken in pill form before your procedure and can be used as either a mild or moderate sedative. For mild sedation, patients feel drowsy, and for moderate sedation, patients often fall into a light sleep.

Laughing Gas

At Chatsworth Dentistry, we offer laughing gas as a light form of sedation. Also known as inhalation sedation, laughing gas is typically offered to our younger patients or patients who experience mild anxiety in the dentist's chair. Laughing gas is colorless, odor-free, and safely delivered through a comfortable breathing mask.

With laughing gas sedation, you can expect to remain completely relaxed while staying awake enough to be able to answer questions. To ensure optimal safety, Dr. Mishra will always customize and control the amount of gas administered to each patient.

Learn More About Our Sedation Dentistry Services

Chatsworth Dental Group offers sedation dentistry services as a safe way of helping patients stay relaxed throughout their treatment. Call our office today to learn more about how comfort dentistry services can provide a positive experience in the dentist's chair!

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(818) 709-1200

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    8:30am - 5:30pm

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    (818) 709-1200