Emergency Dental Care in Chatsworth, CA

While Chatsworth Dental Group is dedicated to providing a strong foundation of preventive care, we understand painful emergencies can strike even the healthiest of patients. That's why we provide emergency dental care appointments so you can access urgent dental care, hen you need it.

man holding his mouth from tooth painLooking for the best emergency dental care near Chatsworth, CA and beyond? Contact us for quick, gentle care if you experience a dental injury, sudden onset of tooth or mouth pain, or a broken restoration. Our team will get you scheduled for a same-day or next-day emergency dentist appointment with Dr. Mishra!

We provide urgent dental care to treat the following conditions at our Chatsworth dental office:

Tooth Pain

You don't have to suffer from lasting tooth pain. Pain that lingers more than a day or two could indicate a more serious oral health problem that needs to be addressed. At Chatsworth Dental Group, our emergency examinations include a complete consultation with Dr. Mishra and any necessary x-rays, so we can get to the root of the problem!

Knocked-Out or Broken Teeth

Have you suffered from knocked-out or broken teeth? These issues are more than aesthetics — they can actually lead to serious infections that can impact your oral health and total body health! If you or your family member have suffered a cracked tooth, broken tooth, or knocked out tooth, call us right away.

Broken Dental Fillings & Crowns

While Chatsworth Dental Group fabricates our dental crowns and fillings from only the most durable, cutting-edge materials, we understand restorations do come with a lifespan and can be damaged for a number of reasons. If your dental crown or filling comes off or breaks, call us right away to schedule an urgent dental care appointment!

Dental Abscesses

Untreated infections that occur below the gum line can result in a dental abscess, a buildup that forms within the affected teeth or gums. During your emergency dentist appointment, Dr. Mishra will assess the abscess and form a treatment plan. If necessary, an emergency tooth extraction or an emergency root canal may be recommended.

Your Emergency Dentist in Chatsworth, CA

Dr. Mishra and the team at Chatsworth Dental Group are here to provide gentle, efficient urgent dental care for our patients in Chatsworth, CA and beyond. Call us right away to schedule your same-day or next-day emergency dental appointment!

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(818) 709-1200

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    8:30am - 5:30pm
    8:30am - 5:30pm
    8:30am - 5:30pm
    8:30am - 5:30pm

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    (818) 709-1200